Download file(s) V 1.1 instructions. by Fred H. Koch [F.KOCH] V 1.1 changes This is an update of my previous script. It has been corrected to work with the new GEnie library structure. A path may now be entered for the file description if desired, this path will be used in stead of the default path if one was entered in the script. The download error file is now automatically deleted each time the script is run. If you read the instructions for the previous version you need not read the information below. GENERAL DESCRIPTION This is an ST Aladdin script which will download one or more files using ST Aladdin. Single file download allows saving the file description, multiple file download uses Zmodem batch. The script is set-up for the ST and Aladdin Round Table libraries. Any library page may be entered for script use. Additional RT libraries may be added. Any library page entered while running the script must have option 3 as the library option and option 6 in the library menu as download. This should now be true for all libraries on GEnie. After the script is run, it will ask for the file name or number, either may be entered and they may be mixed for multiple file downloads. The script will abort if a file is not found in the selected library. Pressing ESC will about the script at any time. If the script is aborted for a file not found error during multiple downloading, the file which was not found will be listed in the DLERROR.TXT file. This file will be found in the same folder as the Aladdin program, unless an error path is added to the script. If the Logon is not successful, the script will ask if you would like to try again. If you respond with Y, the script will immediately try to logon to GEnie again. This was added for those who occasionally run into busy phone lines and need to dial multiple times. It prevents having to reenter the script information. If new info is desired, rerun the script. GETTING THE SCRIPT RUNNING To get the script running, you will need to paste it into the ST Aladdin script file. Aladdin is limited to scripts numbered 3-9. If you already have 9 scripts you will need to delete one to get the script to work. To paste the script into the script file, choose Edit User Scripts from the file menu. The script file will be loaded with the cursor at the end of the file. If there are less than 9 scripts you can just choose Paste File from the edit menu and select DOWNLOAD.SPT. The script number will need to be changed to the last number not used, ie. if there were 6 scripts before pasting the download script, change the script number to 7. If there are already 9 scripts one will need to be deleted and the new script pasted in its place. Once the new script is pasted and the script number changed, click on the window close box, or press ESC to save the new script file. The script is now ready to use. SCRIPT MODIFICATIONS The script has several comments within the script text which provide instructions on how to modify the script to meet your own needs. A download path for the file description, error message file and Zmodem download can be specified. Just provide the desired path for the CAPTURE and/or ZMODEM commands and delete the ; in front of the commands. Be sure to delete the original CAPTURE command when inserting the new one with the path. Be sure the path you specify actually exists, the script will not create folders. Additional RT libraries can be added by inserting the required page number in the unused places in the script. One empty space is provided, if additional places are needed, just duplicate the empty space. For easy reference, place the letters which will specify the added libraries in the opening comments by added a NOTE command similar to those already in the script. The script is heavily commented to allow any other changes I have not thought of. Feel free to experiment, that is how new scripts are written. Any problems let me know.